pergiliran keturunan bahasa Inggris
- keturunan: came of; children's children; coming of;
- keturunan: came of; children's children; coming of; descendant; descent; generation; heredity; offspring; progeny; scion; seed of; ancestry; be descended from; extraction; lineage; posterity; line; derivation;
- asal keturunan: ancestor
- All land plants have a life cycle with an alternation of generations between a diploid sporophyte and a haploid gametophyte, but in all non-vascular land plants the gametophyte generation is dominant.
Semua tanaman darat memiliki siklus hidup dengan pergiliran keturunan antara sporofit diploid dan gametofit haploid, tetapi pada tumbuhan non-vaskuler fase gametofit merupakan fase yang dominan.